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Report a Maintenance Issue
Throughout a tenancy our ultimate aim is to ensure a stress-free experience for both landlords and tenants.
It is reasonable to assume that some form of maintenance issue will arise during any tenancy be it a leaking tap, electrical fault, or malfunctioning boiler. From a tenant’s perspective you will want to know that whatever the query, it is resolved in a prompt, professional and efficient manner.
You can get in touch with your property manager, shown below, between the hours of 9am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, by email or phone.
However, if an emergency maintenance issue arises outside of our normal office hours please call the telephone number shown against your relevant Property Manager where you will be redirected to our out of hours Customer Support Team.
Please be aware that our out of hours team will only deal with matters considered urgent such as gas or water leaks and a loss of power. If your issue does not fall into this category, please report this via the email address shown below your dedicated Property Manager and they will be back in touch when our usual office hours resume.