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Sir Trevor Brooking hosts Charity Golf Day raising over 5000 for St Francis Hospice

25th July 2019

On Tuesday 16th July, Beresfords and Sanders Solicitors hosted a charity Golf Day in aid of St Francis Hospice. The charity supports thousands of local people across, West Essex, Brentwood, Havering, Barking and Dagenham with life-limiting illnesses.

Over 60 players including Sir Trevor and Lady Hilka Brooking who are patrons of the hospice, joined for 18 holes on what was a gloriously sunny day at Thorndon Park Golf Club. The players started the morning with bacon rolls and coffee before heading teeing off for an excellent day of golf.

The traditional prize giving was held and an auction and raffle followed to help raise much needed funds for the hospice. Some fantastic items were on offer including a bespoke tailored suit, short breaks in the Cotswolds and Devon, a signed West Ham shirt plus much more. At the end of the night it was announced that £5,300 was raised for the hospice thanks to the generosity of the attendees.

Tom Murtagh, Corporate Partnerships Manager at St Francis Hospice said "We are delighted to have been involved in Beresfords and Sanders Solicitors golf day. The support of companies like theirs is vital in helping us raise the funds we need to care for those who need our hospice. We thank the staff at both organisations for putting on such a fantastic day and all their clients and colleagues who joined in and helped raised such an incredible amount."

Paul Beresford, CEO commented "It was a great event, and a real privilege to have Sir Trevor and Lady Hilka in attendance supported so well by Anne, Lauren and the team at the hospice. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we managed to raise a fantastic amount for such a worthwhile and important cause!"

"The event wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the commitment and dedication of everybody involved, including the staff at Thorndon, the generous donations we received for the auction and raffle as well as the all important sponsors : The Co-op East of England, Simply Insurance, Virgin Active and our media partner Essex Life."

For more information about St Francis Hospice, visit

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